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Module "wordpress-plugins/real-cookie-banner/src/public/ts/components/config/settings/consent"



Const SettingsFormConsent

SettingsFormConsent: FC<{}> = observer(() => {const {optionStore: {tcf,others: { isPro, customizeBannerUrl },consentsDeletedAt}} = useStores();const fnCustomizeControlUrl = useCallback((id: string) =>`${customizeBannerUrl.replace(/autofocus\[panel]=[\w-]+/,`autofocus[control]=${id}`)}&return=${encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)}`,[customizeBannerUrl]);const customizeAgeNoticeUrl = fnCustomizeControlUrl("rcb-banner-texts-age-notice");const customizeUsaNoticeUrl = fnCustomizeControlUrl("rcb-banner-texts-eprivacy-usa");const customizeListServicesNoticeUrl = fnCustomizeControlUrl("rcb-banner-texts-list-services-notice");return (<><Form.Item label={__("Automatically accept all services for bots")}><Form.Item name="acceptAllForBots" noStyle><Radio.Group><Radio.Button value={true}>{__("Enabled")}</Radio.Button><Radio.Button value={false}>{__("Disabled")}</Radio.Button></Radio.Group></Form.Item><p className="description">{_i(__("Bots are not subject of the GDPR according to {{aGdpr}}Art. 1 GDPR{{/aGdpr}} and technically cannot give consent to the processing of personal data and the setting of cookies. As a result, they may consider your site as slow if a cookie banner permanently blocks all other content. Therefore, you should allow the bots to browse your site without consent, but still allow all services."),{aGdpr: <a href={__("https://gdpr-info.eu/art-1-gdpr/")} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" />})}</p></Form.Item><Form.Item label={__('Respect "Do Not Track"')}><Form.Item name="respectDoNotTrack" noStyle><Radio.Group><Radio.Button value={true}>{__("Enabled")}</Radio.Button><Radio.Button value={false}>{__("Disabled")}</Radio.Button></Radio.Group></Form.Item><div style={{ margin: "5px 0px 0px" }}><LearnMoreTag url={__("https://devowl.io/2021/do-not-track/")} /></div><p className="description">{__(`Users can set the "Do not track" HTTP header in their browser to indicate that they do not want to be tracked. If you enable this option, users will be able to access your website with this HTTP header without a cookie banner, if there are no non-essential services that are used based on legitimate interest. Only the non-rejectable services will be used in the case.`)}&nbsp;{tcf && (<strong>{__("According to the TCF standard, all rights of objection are also exercised for these visitors, as the cookie banner is not displayed at all and thus no transparency about legitimate interest can be established.")}</strong>)}</p></Form.Item><Form.Item label={__("Duration of cookie consent")}><Form.Itemname="cookieDuration"wrapperCol={{ span: 8 }}style={{ marginBottom: 0 }}rules={[{type: "number",min: 1,max: 365,transform: (v) => +v,message: __("Please use a number between %d and %d!", 1, 365)}]}><Input addonAfter={__("days")} type="number" max={365} /></Form.Item><p className="description">{__(`The consent of a user must be limited in time. You can define how long the consent is valid. It can be valid for a maximum of 365 days because every 6-12 months you have to remind the user of the right to revoke consent (cookie banner is displayed again). If you change the behavior or content of the cookie banner meanwhile, visitors to your website will have to give their consent again, even if the time period has not yet expired.`)}</p><Form.ItemnoStyleshouldUpdate={(prevValues, nextValues) => prevValues.cookieDuration !== nextValues.cookieDuration}>{({ getFieldValue }) =>getFieldValue("cookieDuration") < 183 && (<div className="notice notice-warning inline below-h2 notice-alt" style={{ margin: 0 }}><p>{__("You are not allowed to ask for consent again in some EU countries, such as Italy, for at least six months (unless the content of the cookie banner changes). In other countries, you must ask for consent again after 12 months at the latest. Therefore, consent should be valid for between 183 days and 365 days.")}</p></div>)}</Form.Item></Form.Item><Form.Item label={__("Consent for data processing in the USA")}><Form.Item name="ePrivacyUSA" noStyle><Radio.Group><Radio.Button disabled={!isPro} value={true}>{__("Enabled")}</Radio.Button><Radio.Button disabled={!isPro} value={false}>{__("Disabled")}</Radio.Button></Radio.Group></Form.Item><div style={{ margin: "5px 0px 0px" }}><ProTagtitle={__("Do you need consent for US data processing?")}testDrivefeature="eprivacy-usa"assetName={__("pro-modal/eprivacy-usa.png")}description={__("The Privacy Shield should ensure that data processed in the US are treated at the same level of data protection as in the EU. However, the CURIA has declared the Privacy Shield to be illegal ({{aCuria}}CURIA, 16.07.2020 - C-311/18{{/aCuria}}). In our opinion, the only way to legally use US services like Google Analytics or YouTube is to obtain a consent to do so.",{aCuria: (<ahref={__("https://devowl.io/go/curia-c-311-18")}target="_blank"rel="noreferrer"/>)})}/></div><p className="description">{_i(__('With the {{aCuria}}"Schrems II" judgment of July 16, 2020 (Ref.: C-311/18){{/aCuria}}, the ECJ invalidated the {{aImplementingDecision}}Commission\'s Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1250{{/aImplementingDecision}} of July 12, 2016 pursuant to Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the adequacy of the EU-US Privacy Shield. This means that the US is considered an insecure third country for data protection law purposes and no personal data of your visitors may be transferred to or processed in the US. In practice, however, exclusion from US services is often not possible. According to {{aGdpr}}Art. 49 (1) lit. a GDPR{{/aGdpr}} it is possible to obtain consent from website visitors for one-time and multiple processing of data in the USA. Consent for regular processing of data in the USA cannot be obtained in this way. Thus, at least some of the convenient services from the USA can still be used if the website visitor consents to it. Enable this option to mark the processing of data in the USA in services and obtain the consent of your users to this in your cookie banner.'),{aCuria: (<a href={__("https://devowl.io/go/curia-c-311-18")} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" />),aImplementingDecision: (<ahref={__("https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv%%3AOJ.L_.2016.207.01.0001.01.ENG")}target="_blank"rel="noreferrer"/>),aGdpr: <a href={__("https://gdpr-info.eu/art-49-gdpr/")} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" />})}&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;<a href={customizeUsaNoticeUrl} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">{__("Change text in customizer")}</a></p></Form.Item><Form.Item label={__("Age notice for consent")}><Form.Item name="ageNotice" noStyle><Radio.Group><Radio.Button value={true}>{__("Enabled")}</Radio.Button><Radio.Button value={false}>{__("Disabled")}</Radio.Button></Radio.Group></Form.Item><p className="description">{_i(__(`In accordance with {{a}}Art. 8 GDPR{{/a}}, consent to services that process personal data and/or set cookies can only be given from the age of 16 years (varying in some EU countries) or together with a legal guardian. If your website does not clearly and exclusively address adults (e.g. dating or porn sites), you as the website operator must inform children under the minimum age in simple language that they are not allowed to consent to non-essential services without their legal guardian.`),{a: <a href={__("https://gdpr-info.eu/art-8-gdpr/")} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" />})}&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;<a href={customizeAgeNoticeUrl} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">{__("Change text in customizer")}</a></p></Form.Item><Form.Item label={__("Naming of all services in first view")}><Form.Item name="listServicesNotice" noStyle><Radio.Group><Radio.Button value={true}>{__("Enabled")}</Radio.Button><Radio.Button value={false}>{__("Disabled")}</Radio.Button></Radio.Group></Form.Item><p className="description">{__("The visitor to your website should be adequately informed of what he or she is agreeing to when consenting to all services. Therefore, in the first view of the cookie banner, all services can be written out by name in a comma-separated list. Your website visitor can thus better assess whether he really wants to agree to all services without visiting the individual privacy settings.")}&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;<a href={customizeListServicesNoticeUrl} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">{__("Change text in customizer")}</a></p></Form.Item><Form.Item label={__("Save IP address on consent")}><Form.Item name="saveIp" noStyle><Radio.Group><Radio.Button value={true}>{__("Enabled")}</Radio.Button><Radio.Button value={false}>{__("Disabled")}</Radio.Button></Radio.Group></Form.Item><p className="description">{_i(__(`Depending on the country of origin, it may make legal sense to store the IP address of the user who consents. On the other hand, you must inform the user in your privacy policy that you are storing this IP address together with the consent, as this is legally {{a}}personal data{{/a}}.`),{a: (<ahref={__("https://devowl.io/2021/personal-data-gdpr/")}target="_blank"rel="noreferrer"/>)})}</p></Form.Item><Form.Item label={__("Delete documented consents after")}><Form.Itemname="consentDuration"wrapperCol={{ span: 8 }}style={{ marginBottom: 0 }}rules={[{type: "number",min: 1,max: 120,transform: (v) => +v,message: __("Please use a number between %d and %d!", 1, 120)}]}><Input addonAfter={__("months")} type="number" /></Form.Item>{consentsDeletedAt && (<p className="description"><strong>{__("Consents was last cleaned up on %s.",new Date(consentsDeletedAt).toLocaleString(document.documentElement.lang))}</strong></p>)}<p className="description">{_i(__(`Consents are automatically documented in order to be able to prove compliance with the legal requirements according to {{a}}Art. 5 GDPR{{/a}} and, in case of dispute, to prove how the consent was obtained. The absolute statute of limitations for data protection violations in most EU countries is 10 years. After that, you should delete consents in the interest of data economy.`),{a: <a href={__("https://gdpr-info.eu/art-5-gdpr/")} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" />})}</p></Form.Item></>);})

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