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Module "wordpress-plugins/real-cookie-banner/src/public/ts/components/config/consent/list/preview"



Const ConsentTableRecordPreview

ConsentTableRecordPreview: FC<{ onPreview: (record: Consent) => void; record: Consent }> = observer(({ record, onPreview }) => {const {optionStore: {others: { isPro }}} = useStores();return record.custom_bypass ? (<><Divider>{__("Bypassed banner")}</Divider><p className="description">{_i(__("There is no preview for this consent, as it was given implicitly by {{strong}}%s bypass{{/strong}}.",record.custom_bypass_readable),{strong: <strong />})}</p></>) : record.blocker > 0 ? (<><Divider>{__("Content Blocker as at the time of consent")}</Divider><p className="description">{__("The consent to the service was given via a content blocker. Below you can see how the content blocker looked like when the user consented.")}</p>{isPro ? (<div className="rcb-transparent-bg"><ConsentRecordBlocker record={record} /></div>) : (<ProTagtitle={__("You want to see what was displayed to the visitor?")}tagText={__("Unlock preview")}testDrivefeature="consent-preview-blocker"assetName={__("pro-modal/consent-preview-blocker.png")}description={__("We generate the content blocker that your visitor has seen from all settings, design preferences and services. You can see exactly how his or her consent was obtained and track clicks on buttons.")}/>)}</>) : record.forwarded > 0 ? (<><Divider>{__("Forwarded consent")}</Divider><p className="description">{_i(__("There is no preview for this consent, as it was given implicitly by forwarding the consent. The user has given his/her consent via {{a}}%s{{/a}}, and this consent has been forwarded automatically.",record.viewed_page),{a: <a href={record.viewed_page} rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" />})}</p></>) : (<><Divider>{__("Cookie banner as at the time of consent")}</Divider><p className="description">{__("Use the button below to see what the cookie banner looked like at the time of the user's consent. The services/groups selected there also look the way the user saw them. A button framed in red shows which button the user clicked on at the time of consent.")}</p>{isPro ? (<buttonclassName="button-primary button-large"onClick={() => {onPreview(record);}}>{__("Open banner")}</button>) : (<ProTagtitle={__("You want to see what was displayed to the visitor?")}tagText={__("Unlock preview")}testDrivefeature="consent-preview-banner"assetName={__("pro-modal/consent-preview-banner.png")}description={__("We generate the cookie banner from all (design) settings and services that the visitor has seen. You can see exactly how consent was obtained and track clicks on buttons.")}/>)}</>);})

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