Module "wordpress-packages/real-queue/lib/hooks/useStatusErrors"
- useStatusErrors(): { errors: Record<string, { actions: Array<{ action?: "delete" | "retry" | "skip"; linkText: string; target?: string; url: string }>; description: string; failedJobs: Job[]; label: string; type: string }> }
Returns { errors: Record<string, { actions: Array<{ action?: "delete" | "retry" | "skip"; linkText: string; target?: string; url: string }>; description: string; failedJobs: Job[]; label: string; type: string }> }
errors: Record<string, { actions: Array<{ action?: "delete" | "retry" | "skip"; linkText: string; target?: string; url: string }>; description: string; failedJobs: Job[]; label: string; type: string }>
Listen to the queue status and automatically create a state with the errors.