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Module "wordpress-packages/real-product-manager-wp-client/lib/components/pluginUpdate/embed"



Const PluginUpdateEmbed

PluginUpdateEmbed: FC<{ formProps?: Omit<ComponentPropsWithRef<typeof PluginUpdateForm>, "pluginUpdate">; listProps?: Omit<ComponentPropsWithRef<typeof PluginUpdateLicenseList>, "pluginUpdate">; slug: string }> = observer(({ formProps = {}, listProps = {}, slug }) => {const { pluginUpdateStore } = useStores();const { busy, pluginUpdates, pluginUpdateFetchErrors } = pluginUpdateStore;const pluginUpdate = pluginUpdates.get(slug);const showHeadline = pluginUpdate?.unlicensedEntries.length > 0 && pluginUpdate?.licensedEntries.length > 0;useEffect(() => {try {pluginUpdateStore.fetchPluginUpdate(slug);} catch (e) {// Silence is golden.}}, [slug]);return pluginUpdateFetchErrors.get(slug) ? (<PluginUpdateErrorNotice slug={slug} />) : busy || !pluginUpdate ? (<Spin spinning />) : (<div>{showHeadline && (<Divider type="horizontal" orientation="left" style={{ marginTop: 0 }}>{__("Not yet licensed")}</Divider>)}<PluginUpdateForm {...formProps} pluginUpdate={pluginUpdate} />{showHeadline && (<Divider type="horizontal" orientation="left">{__("Already licensed")}</Divider>)}{pluginUpdate.licensedEntries.length > 0 && (<PluginUpdateLicenseList {...listProps} pluginUpdate={pluginUpdate} />)}</div>);})

Embed the license form and list of activated licenses into your app. Please consider, that this embed does not provide any buttons, please provide them yourself with <button form="license-form-$slug">

Const PluginUpdateErrorNotice

PluginUpdateErrorNotice: FC<{ slug: string }> = observer(({ slug }) => {const error = useStores().pluginUpdateStore.pluginUpdateFetchErrors.get(slug);const errorMessage = error?.responseJSON?.message;return (<div className="notice notice-error inline below-h2 notice-alt" style={{ margin: "20px 0" }}><p>{_i(__("Something has gone wrong%s. It could be that you have configured your WordPress instance in such a way that you have blocked the WordPress REST API. Find out how to deal with this {{a}}here{{/a}}.",errorMessage ? ` (${errorMessage})` : ""),{a: (<ahref={__("https://devowl.io/knowledge-base/wordpress-rest-api-does-not-respond/")}target="_blank"rel="noreferrer"></a>)})}</p></div>);})

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