If true, the user consent is invalidated if the user has not made any explicit decision. This could be
useful for e.g. the banner-less mode: First visit a website and the banner-less mode does not show a banner, afterward
visit another page (e.g. a landing page) and show the cookie banner so the user is forced to give a consent
for e.g. Google Analytics.
onIsDoNotTrack: ((apply) => void)
If do not track is returned by a predecision gateway, you should save the state in your
API and call the apply function manually.
(apply): void
apply: (() => Promise<void>)
(): Promise<void>
Returns Promise<void>
Returns void
onShowCookieBanner: (() => void)
No predecision is set, so we should show a visual cookie banner.
, the user consent is invalidated if the user has not made any explicit decision. This could be useful for e.g. the banner-less mode: First visit a website and the banner-less mode does not show a banner, afterward visit another page (e.g. a landing page) and show the cookie banner so the user is forced to give a consent for e.g. Google Analytics.