Table of Contents
- api
- attachment
- base
- comp
- exception
- folder
- metadata
- order
- overrides
- lite
- rest
- usersettings
- view
- Activator
- The activator class handles the plugin relevant activation hooks: Uninstall, activation,
deactivation and installation. The "installation" means installing needed database tables.
- AdInitiator
- Initiate real-utils functionality.
- Assets
- Asset management for frontend scripts and styles.
- Core
- Singleton core class which handles the main system for plugin. It includes
registering of the autoload, all hooks (actions & filters) (see BaseCore class).
- Localization
- i18n management for backend and frontend.
- RpmInitiator
- Initiate real-product-manager-wp-client functionality.
- Util
- Util functionality for Real Media Library.