
in package
implements IStructure Uses UtilsProvider

This class handles all hooks and functions for the structure.

If something will print out, this is a facade-wrapper function for the class View (stored in private $view).

Table of Contents


Structure implementation for Real Media Library. It handles all SQL query which reads all folders from the database and "collects" it into one tree. You can modify the structure queries by RML/Tree* filters and extending the MatthiasWeb\RealMediaLibrary\attachment\Structure class (implements IStructure).


$blogs  : mixed
The structure should be accessible within one or more blogs. For those purposes use the wp standard method switch_to_blog();
$data  : mixed
Additional data passed to the structure.
$hasInitialLoad  : mixed
Checks, if the folder tree is already loaded and do the initial load if needed by an function. So, RML can guarantee lazy loading.
$parsed  : mixed
$root  : mixed
The root folder ID. Can only be set by the constructor!
$rows  : mixed
Array of database read rows
$tree  : mixed
$view  : mixed
The view handler for this structure


__construct()  : mixed
Start reading a structure. If you pass a $root parameter the parameter is not automatically respected. You should then use your own implementation or filters to respect the root. Use this constructor to add your filters and respect your custom Structure class implementation.
byAbsolutePath()  : IFolder|null
Get a folder by absolute path.
byId()  : IFolder|null
Get a folder by id.
getCntAttachments()  : int
Get the attachment count for this structure.
getCntRoot()  : int
Get the attachment count for the "Unorganized" folder for this structure.
getData()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the custom data.
getFolderCounts()  : array<string|int, int>
Get all folder counts.
getInstance()  : Structure
Get instance.
getParsed()  : array<string|int, IFolder>
Get all SQL query results as IFolder objects.
getPlainTree()  : array<string|int, object>
Get all SQL query results placed to a tree. It is fully resolved with all hierarchical plain objects of the folders expect the invisible nodes.
getPluginConstantPrefix()  : string
Get the prefix of this plugin so composer packages can dynamically build other constant values on it.
getRows()  : array<string|int, object>
Get the SQL query result instead of IFolder objects.
getTree()  : array<string|int, IFolder>
Get all SQL query results placed to a tree. That means it is a "hierarchical" result where you work with ->getChildren(). The first level contains the top folders.
getView()  : mixed
Get the view class instance.
initialLoad()  : mixed
Checks, if the SQL result is available and load it if not.
resetData()  : mixed
Resets the data of the structure.
setData()  : mixed
Set the custom data.
fetch()  : mixed
Fetching all available folders into an array.
parse()  : mixed
This functions parses the read rows into folder objects.



The structure should be accessible within one or more blogs. For those purposes use the wp standard method switch_to_blog();

private static mixed $blogs = []

This is an array of Structure objects.


Additional data passed to the structure.

private mixed $data


Checks, if the folder tree is already loaded and do the initial load if needed by an function. So, RML can guarantee lazy loading.

private mixed $hasInitialLoad = false


The root folder ID. Can only be set by the constructor!

private mixed $root


Array of database read rows

private mixed $rows


The view handler for this structure

private mixed $view



Start reading a structure. If you pass a $root parameter the parameter is not automatically respected. You should then use your own implementation or filters to respect the root. Use this constructor to add your filters and respect your custom Structure class implementation.

public __construct([mixed $root = null ][, mixed $data = null ]) : mixed
$root : mixed = null

The root folder defined for the structure

$data : mixed = null

Custom data for the structure


Get a folder by absolute path.

public byAbsolutePath(mixed $path) : IFolder|null
$path : mixed

The path

Return values


Get a folder by id.

public byId(mixed $id[, mixed $nullForRoot = true ]) : IFolder|null
$id : mixed

The id of the folder

$nullForRoot : mixed = true

If set to false and $id == -1 then the Root instance is returned

Return values


Get the attachment count for this structure.

public getCntAttachments() : int
Return values



Get the attachment count for the "Unorganized" folder for this structure.

public getCntRoot() : int
Return values



Get the custom data.

public getData() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>



Get all folder counts.

public getFolderCounts() : array<string|int, int>
Return values
array<string|int, int>


Get all SQL query results as IFolder objects.

public getParsed() : array<string|int, IFolder>
Return values
array<string|int, IFolder>

The folders


Get all SQL query results placed to a tree. It is fully resolved with all hierarchical plain objects of the folders expect the invisible nodes.

public getPlainTree() : array<string|int, object>
Return values
array<string|int, object>


Get the prefix of this plugin so composer packages can dynamically build other constant values on it.

public getPluginConstantPrefix() : string

It only returns a string with the constant prefix

Return values


Get the SQL query result instead of IFolder objects.

public getRows() : array<string|int, object>
Return values
array<string|int, object>

The SQL result


Get all SQL query results placed to a tree. That means it is a "hierarchical" result where you work with ->getChildren(). The first level contains the top folders.

public getTree() : array<string|int, IFolder>
Return values
array<string|int, IFolder>

The folders


Get the view class instance.

public getView() : mixed


Checks, if the SQL result is available and load it if not.

public initialLoad() : mixed


Resets the data of the structure.

public resetData([mixed $root = null ][, mixed $fetchData = true ]) : mixed
$root : mixed = null

The root folder

$fetchData : mixed = true

Determine, if the data should be re-fetched


Set the custom data.

public setData(mixed $data) : mixed
$data : mixed

The custom data


Fetching all available folders into an array.

private fetch() : mixed


This functions parses the read rows into folder objects.

private parse() : mixed

It also handles the cnt cache for the attachments in this folder.

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