
in package
Uses UtilsProvider

A job model.

Table of Contents


RECURRING_EXCEPTION_CODE  = 'queue_paused_previous_failed'
If x jobs of the same type fails, pause all other jobs to avoid unnecessary executions.
WORKER_CLIENT  = 'client'
WORKER_SERVER  = 'server'


$callable  : callable
The callable for this job.
$capability  : string|null
Capability needed for this job to run.
$created  : string
Created time as ISO string.
$data  : mixed
A `json_encode`able object which gets persisted for this job which you can use in your executor.
$delay_ms  : int
How long should be waited until the next job can be passed to the executor?
$duration_ms  : int
The duration took to complete this task.
$exception  : null|WP_Error
Exception caused by this job. This automatically pauses the complete queue.
$group_position  : int
The jobs' position within this group.
$group_total  : int
Due to the fact we have a garbage collection of jobs in our database table, but we want to keep track of the total items within this group (e.g. Website scanner = Total sites to scan).
$group_uuid  : string
Do not use this manually! See `Persist::startGroup`.
$id  : int
$lock_until  : int
Timestamp at which this job can be picked again.
$locked  : bool
Is this job currently processing?
$priority  : int
Priority of this job. A lower priority means the job gets executed earlier.
$process  : int
Describe the process for this job. So you could iteratively work at this job within different executions.
$process_total  : int
The total process needed of `process` to consider this job as `done`.
$retries  : int
How often should the job be retried when failure before stopping the complete queue and show an error message?
$runs  : int
Shows, how often this job has been run already. This is needed for `retries`. You do not have to fill this!
$type  : string
The type describes the unique type of this job. Something like `rpm-move-file` (with a prefix of your plugin).
$worker  : string
Where should this job be executed? Default is `server`. If you set this to `client` you need to manually resolve this job as done in your frontend coding (e.g. extra request).
$breakRun  : bool
Indicates, when this job got run and wants to wait for the next execution (e.g. through REST API request) instead of blocking the current PHP thread again. This only works for `server` worker and when the job ran successfully.
$core  : mixed
$updatedJobsToAvoidRecurringException  : bool
Indicates, when run this job a recurring got detected and jobs got paused automatically.


__construct()  : mixed
actions()  : mixed
See filter `DevOwl/RealQueue/Job/Actions`.
breakRun()  : mixed
Break the current run and wait for the next execution (e.g. through REST API request).
execute()  : void|WP_Error
Execute this job on our server.
getPluginConstantPrefix()  : string
Get the prefix of this package so we can utils package natively.
hasUpdatedJobsToAvoidRecurringException()  : mixed
isBreakRun()  : mixed
Check if the current run got broken.
isDone()  : mixed
Check if the job is already done?
isLastInGroup()  : mixed
Check if this job is the last in this group?
label()  : mixed
See filter `DevOwl/RealQueue/Job/Label`.
omitClientData()  : mixed
Omit client data e.g. `data` of server-worker and `callable`.
passthruClientResult()  : mixed
Save the state of the client worker result.
set_error_handler()  : mixed
Set error handler.
setupConstants()  : mixed
Make sure the REAL_QUEUE constants are available.
updatedLocked()  : mixed
Update `locked` attribute so jobs are not executed twice.
updateException()  : mixed
Update `exception` and mark the job as failed. This causes the complete queue to be paused.
updateProcess()  : mixed
Update `process` and mark the job as in progress or done.
avoidRecurringException()  : mixed
When a job fails, check if jobs from the same type failed a few times before, too.
cumulateDuration()  : mixed
Update `duration`.
updateRuns()  : mixed
Update `runs` so `retries` works as expected.



public mixed DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 10


public mixed RECURRING_EXCEPTION_CODE = 'queue_paused_previous_failed'


If x jobs of the same type fails, pause all other jobs to avoid unnecessary executions.


A UI dialog needs to be shown to the user so the user can decide to repeat or delete jobs.


public mixed WORKER_CLIENT = 'client'


public mixed WORKER_SERVER = 'server'



The callable for this job.

public callable $callable

Attention: If you are using a client-worker, you need to register a custom event, see also CLIENT_JOB_EVENT_PREFIX for more information!

Please note the following things:

  • This field is only needed for server worker
  • You are not allowed to use object instances; only static methods or functions!
  • The callable gets one parameter: Job $job
  • You need to $job->updateProcess() to mark the job as in progress or done!
  • Your callable can throw an Exception or return a WP_Error instance
  • Your callable should be save to be also executed by users with minimal capabilities
  • You are allowed to modify the job data and when the job is run successfully, the changes are persisted


Created time as ISO string.

public string $created


A `json_encode`able object which gets persisted for this job which you can use in your executor.

public mixed $data

If you set keepClientData to true, the data will not be omitted when sending the job to the client.


How long should be waited until the next job can be passed to the executor?

public int $delay_ms = 1000


The duration took to complete this task.

public int $duration_ms


Exception caused by this job. This automatically pauses the complete queue.

public null|WP_Error $exception


The jobs' position within this group.

public int $group_position


Due to the fact we have a garbage collection of jobs in our database table, but we want to keep track of the total items within this group (e.g. Website scanner = Total sites to scan).

public int $group_total


Do not use this manually! See `Persist::startGroup`.

public string $group_uuid



public int $id


Timestamp at which this job can be picked again.

public int $lock_until


Is this job currently processing?

public bool $locked


Priority of this job. A lower priority means the job gets executed earlier.

public int $priority = self::DEFAULT_PRIORITY


Describe the process for this job. So you could iteratively work at this job within different executions.

public int $process = 0


The total process needed of `process` to consider this job as `done`.

public int $process_total = 1


How often should the job be retried when failure before stopping the complete queue and show an error message?

public int $retries = 0


Shows, how often this job has been run already. This is needed for `retries`. You do not have to fill this!

public int $runs = 0


The type describes the unique type of this job. Something like `rpm-move-file` (with a prefix of your plugin).

public string $type


Where should this job be executed? Default is `server`. If you set this to `client` you need to manually resolve this job as done in your frontend coding (e.g. extra request).

public string $worker = self::WORKER_SERVER


  • You need to register your callable via JavaScript function: exposeCallable()
  • You need to manually expose a REST API call so you can update the job with passthruClientResult()
  • You can run into multiple executions for client-tasks, expect you do an explicit locked check before starting the expensive task
    • You can also avoid this, e.g. when you send the results of the client-worked task to the PHP client -> check if the job got already processed by another tab.

Please use WORKER_ constants.


Indicates, when this job got run and wants to wait for the next execution (e.g. through REST API request) instead of blocking the current PHP thread again. This only works for `server` worker and when the job ran successfully.

private bool $breakRun = false


private mixed $core


Indicates, when run this job a recurring got detected and jobs got paused automatically.

private bool $updatedJobsToAvoidRecurringException = false




public __construct(Core $core) : mixed
$core : Core


See filter `DevOwl/RealQueue/Job/Actions`.

public static actions(string $type) : mixed
$type : string


Break the current run and wait for the next execution (e.g. through REST API request).

public breakRun() : mixed


Execute this job on our server.

public execute() : void|WP_Error
Return values


Get the prefix of this package so we can utils package natively.

public getPluginConstantPrefix() : string
Return values



public hasUpdatedJobsToAvoidRecurringException() : mixed


Check if the current run got broken.

public isBreakRun() : mixed


Check if the job is already done?

public isDone() : mixed


Check if this job is the last in this group?

public isLastInGroup() : mixed


See filter `DevOwl/RealQueue/Job/Label`.

public static label(string $type) : mixed
$type : string


Omit client data e.g. `data` of server-worker and `callable`.

public omitClientData() : mixed


Save the state of the client worker result.

public passthruClientResult(int|true $process, WP_Error|null $error) : mixed
$process : int|true
$error : WP_Error|null


Make sure the REAL_QUEUE constants are available.

public static setupConstants() : mixed


Update `locked` attribute so jobs are not executed twice.

public updatedLocked(bool $locked) : mixed
$locked : bool


Update `exception` and mark the job as failed. This causes the complete queue to be paused.

public updateException(WP_Error|null $error) : mixed
$error : WP_Error|null


Update `process` and mark the job as in progress or done.

public updateProcess(int|true $process[, int $process_total = null ]) : mixed
$process : int|true
$process_total : int = null


When a job fails, check if jobs from the same type failed a few times before, too.

protected avoidRecurringException() : mixed

If yes, update runs and set an exception that signals a paused queue.


Update `duration`.

protected cumulateDuration(int|float $start) : mixed
$start : int|float

microtime(true) before you do something heavy


Update `runs` so `retries` works as expected.

protected updateRuns(int $previousProcess[, int $force = null ]) : mixed
$previousProcess : int
$force : int = null

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