
in package

A scan result which can be persisted to the database.

Table of Contents


$attribute  : string
The blockable HTML attribute.
$blockable  : ScannableBlockable
The template blockable which caused this scan entry to be found.
$blocked_url  : string
The found blocked URL.
$blocked_url_hash  : string
The found blocked URL as hash to be used as `UNIQUE KEY`.
$blocked_url_host  : string
The found blocked URL (only the host) for grouping purposes.
$created  : string
Created time (ISO).
$expressions  : array<string|int, string>
The expression of the `host` which is used while found this scan entry. This property is only filled for the scan process itself!
$id  : int
$lock  : mixed
If `true` no other false-positive mechanisms can modify this scan entry.
$markup  : Markup|null
Markup of the blocked element. This is only set for inline scripts, inline styles and templates with `SelectorSyntaxBlocker`.
$post_id  : int
The `post_id` of `wp_posts` this entry refers to.
$source_url  : string
The source URL this entry was found.
$source_url_hash  : string
The source URL this entry was found as hash to be used as `UNIQUE KEY`.
$tag  : string
The blockable HTML tag.
$template  : string
Template identifier for the content blocker.


calculateFields()  : mixed
Calculate some fields. This is necessary, so we do not need to always calculate hashes and hosts. Do this before persisting to your database!



The blockable HTML attribute.

public string $attribute

Can be null, e.g. inline scripts.


The found blocked URL.

public string $blocked_url


The found blocked URL as hash to be used as `UNIQUE KEY`.

public string $blocked_url_hash = ''


The found blocked URL (only the host) for grouping purposes.

public string $blocked_url_host


Created time (ISO).

public string $created


The expression of the `host` which is used while found this scan entry. This property is only filled for the scan process itself!

public array<string|int, string> $expressions = []


If `true` no other false-positive mechanisms can modify this scan entry.

public mixed $lock = false


Markup of the blocked element. This is only set for inline scripts, inline styles and templates with `SelectorSyntaxBlocker`.

public Markup|null $markup


The `post_id` of `wp_posts` this entry refers to.

public int $post_id


The source URL this entry was found.

public string $source_url


The source URL this entry was found as hash to be used as `UNIQUE KEY`.

public string $source_url_hash


The blockable HTML tag.

public string $tag


Template identifier for the content blocker.

public string $template = ''



Calculate some fields. This is necessary, so we do not need to always calculate hashes and hosts. Do this before persisting to your database!

public calculateFields() : mixed

On this page

Search results