
in package

Put in a list of `ScanEntry`'s and sort out false-positives and deduplicate. Keep in mind, that this processor can also touch your `ScanEntry` properties as well!

Table of Contents


$blockableScanner  : mixed
$entries  : mixed


__construct()  : mixed
canExternalUrlBeBypassed()  : mixed
Example: A blocked form does not have reCAPTCHA, got found as "CleverReach". The `form[action]` does not need to get blocked due to the fact the server is only contacted through submit-interaction (a privacy policy needs to be linked / checkbox).
convertExternalUrlsCoveredByTemplate()  : mixed
Convert external URLs which got covered by a template. When is this the case? When using a `SelectorSyntaxBlocker` with e.g. `link[href=""]` (for example WordPress emojis).
convertStandaloneLinkRelTemplateToExternalUrl()  : mixed
Convert a found `link[rel="preconnect|dns-prefetch"]` within a template and stands alone within this template to an external URL as a DNS-prefetch and preconnect **must** be loaded in conjunction with another script.
convertTemplatesWithNonMatchingGroupsToExternalUrl()  : mixed
Remove all entries when there is not a scan entry with the needed host and convert it to an external URL.
deduplicate()  : mixed
Deduplicate coexisting templates. Examples:
getEntries()  : mixed
process()  : mixed
Prepare the passed results and do some optimizations on them (e.g. remove duplicates).
removeDuplicateScannedItems()  : mixed
Example: We have the following markup:
removeExternalUrlsWithTemplateDuplicate()  : mixed
Remove external URLs which are duplicated as template, too.
alreadyExistsInOtherFoundTemplate()  : false|ScanEntry
Check if a given template already exists in another scan result.




Example: A blocked form does not have reCAPTCHA, got found as "CleverReach". The `form[action]` does not need to get blocked due to the fact the server is only contacted through submit-interaction (a privacy policy needs to be linked / checkbox).

public canExternalUrlBeBypassed(ScanEntry $entry) : mixed
$entry : ScanEntry


Convert external URLs which got covered by a template. When is this the case? When using a `SelectorSyntaxBlocker` with e.g. `link[href=""]` (for example WordPress emojis).

public convertExternalUrlsCoveredByTemplate([array<string|int, ScanEntry$entries = null ]) : mixed
$entries : array<string|int, ScanEntry> = null

The entries to check, defaults to current instance entries


Convert a found `link[rel="preconnect|dns-prefetch"]` within a template and stands alone within this template to an external URL as a DNS-prefetch and preconnect **must** be loaded in conjunction with another script.

public convertStandaloneLinkRelTemplateToExternalUrl() : mixed


Remove all entries when there is not a scan entry with the needed host and convert it to an external URL.

public convertTemplatesWithNonMatchingGroupsToExternalUrl() : mixed


Deduplicate coexisting templates. Examples:

public deduplicate() : mixed
  • CF7 with reCaptcha over Google reCaptcha
  • MonsterInsights > Google Analytics (extended)


Prepare the passed results and do some optimizations on them (e.g. remove duplicates).

public process() : mixed


Example: We have the following markup:

public removeDuplicateScannedItems() : mixed
<link rel="stylesheet" id="everest-forms-google-fonts-css" href=";ver=1.1.6" />

And a content blocker for everest forms with the following rules:


This would lead to duplicate entries in the scanner result list. Never show double-scanned elements when they e.g. caught by two rules and a rerun through Utils::preg_replace_callback_recursive. In this case, we will modify the already existing scan entries' found expressions.


Remove external URLs which are duplicated as template, too.

public removeExternalUrlsWithTemplateDuplicate() : mixed


Check if a given template already exists in another scan result.

protected alreadyExistsInOtherFoundTemplate(ScanEntry $scanEntry) : false|ScanEntry
$scanEntry : ScanEntry
Return values

The found entry which better suits this template

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