
in package

Put in a list of `ScanEntry`'s and sort out false-positives and deduplicate. Keep in mind, that this processor can also touch your `ScanEntry` properties as well!

Table of Contents


$blockableScanner  : mixed
$entries  : mixed


__construct()  : mixed
canExternalUrlBeBypassed()  : mixed
Example: A blocked form does not have reCAPTCHA, got found as "CleverReach". The `form[action]` does not need to get blocked due to the fact the server is only contacted through submit-interaction (a privacy policy needs to be linked / checkbox).
convertExternalUrlsCoveredByTemplate()  : mixed
Convert external URLs which got covered by a template. When is this the case? When using a `SelectorSyntaxBlocker` with e.g. `link[href=""]` (for example WordPress emojis).
convertStandaloneLinkRelTemplateToExternalUrl()  : mixed
Convert a found `link[rel="preconnect|dns-prefetch"]` within a template and stands alone within this template to an external URL as a DNS-prefetch and preconnect **must** be loaded in conjunction with another script.
convertTemplatesWithNonMatchingGroupsToExternalUrl()  : mixed
Remove all entries when there is not a scan entry with the needed host and convert it to an external URL.
deduplicate()  : mixed
Deduplicate coexisting templates. Examples:
getEntries()  : mixed
process()  : mixed
Prepare the passed results and do some optimizations on them (e.g. remove duplicates).
removeDuplicateScannedItems()  : mixed
Example: We have the following markup:
removeExternalUrlsWithTemplateDuplicate()  : mixed
Remove external URLs which are duplicated as template, too.
alreadyExistsInOtherFoundTemplate()  : false|ScanEntry
Check if a given template already exists in another scan result.




Example: A blocked form does not have reCAPTCHA, got found as "CleverReach". The `form[action]` does not need to get blocked due to the fact the server is only contacted through submit-interaction (a privacy policy needs to be linked / checkbox).

public canExternalUrlBeBypassed(ScanEntry $entry) : mixed
$entry : ScanEntry


Convert external URLs which got covered by a template. When is this the case? When using a `SelectorSyntaxBlocker` with e.g. `link[href=""]` (for example WordPress emojis).

public convertExternalUrlsCoveredByTemplate([array<string|int, ScanEntry$entries = null ]) : mixed
$entries : array<string|int, ScanEntry> = null

The entries to check, defaults to current instance entries


Convert a found `link[rel="preconnect|dns-prefetch"]` within a template and stands alone within this template to an external URL as a DNS-prefetch and preconnect **must** be loaded in conjunction with another script.

public convertStandaloneLinkRelTemplateToExternalUrl() : mixed


Remove all entries when there is not a scan entry with the needed host and convert it to an external URL.

public convertTemplatesWithNonMatchingGroupsToExternalUrl() : mixed


Deduplicate coexisting templates. Examples:

public deduplicate() : mixed
  • CF7 with reCaptcha over Google reCaptcha
  • MonsterInsights > Google Analytics (extended)


Prepare the passed results and do some optimizations on them (e.g. remove duplicates).

public process() : mixed


Example: We have the following markup:

public removeDuplicateScannedItems() : mixed
<link rel="stylesheet" id="everest-forms-google-fonts-css" href=";ver=1.1.6" />

And a content blocker for everest forms with the following rules:


This would lead to duplicate entries in the scanner result list. Never show double-scanned elements when they e.g. caught by two rules and a rerun through Utils::preg_replace_callback_recursive. In this case, we will modify the already existing scan entries' found expressions.


With the introduction of findPotentialSelectorSyntaxFindersForMatch, we have no test covering this case but we need it for backward compatibility.


Remove external URLs which are duplicated as template, too.

public removeExternalUrlsWithTemplateDuplicate() : mixed


Check if a given template already exists in another scan result.

protected alreadyExistsInOtherFoundTemplate(ScanEntry $scanEntry) : false|ScanEntry
$scanEntry : ScanEntry
Return values

The found entry which better suits this template

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