
in package

A transaction simply describes a new consent.

Table of Contents


$blocker  : int
If the consent came from a content blocker, the ID of the content blocker.
$blockerThumbnail  : int|string
Can be the ID of the blocker thumbnail itself, or in format of `{embedId}-{fileMd5}`.
$buttonClicked  : string
The clicked button in the cookie banner.
$createdClientTime  : string
The ISO string of `new Date().toISOString()` on client side which reflects the time of consent given (not persist time).
$customBypass  : string
Allows to set a custom bypass which causes the banner to be hidden (e.g. Geolocation)
$decision  : array<string|int, mixed>|string
A set of accepted cookie groups + cookies or a predefined set like `all` or `essentials`.
$forwarded  : int
The reference to the consent ID of the source website (only for forwarded consents).
$forwardedBlocker  : bool
Determine if forwarded consent came through a content blocker.
$forwardedUuid  : string
The UUID reference of the source website.
$gcmConsent  : array<string|int, string>
Google Consent Mode consent types.
$ipAddress  : string
The IP address of the website visitor.
$markAsDoNotTrack  : bool
Mark as DNT.
$recorderJsonString  : string
Recorder JSON string for Replays.
$referer  : string
$setCookies  : mixed
When `false`, the newly added transaction will not return any `SetCookie` instances. Use this, if you just want to save / persist a consent to the database but should not be updated on client side (e.g. delayed consents when server was not reachable).
$tcfString  : string
TCF string.
$uiView  : string
Can be `initial` (the cookie banner pops up for first time with first and second layer or content blocker) or `change` (Change privacy settings). `null` indicates a UI was never visible.
$userAgent  : string
The user agent of the website visitor.
$userCountry  : string
The country of the website visitor. This is automatically calculated when you pass in an IP address and you have enabled Geo Restriction (Country Bypass).
$viewPortHeight  : int
The viewport height.
$viewPortWidth  : int
The viewport width.


__construct()  : mixed



If the consent came from a content blocker, the ID of the content blocker.

public int $blocker = 0


Can be the ID of the blocker thumbnail itself, or in format of `{embedId}-{fileMd5}`.

public int|string $blockerThumbnail


The clicked button in the cookie banner.

public string $buttonClicked


The ISO string of `new Date().toISOString()` on client side which reflects the time of consent given (not persist time).

public string $createdClientTime


Allows to set a custom bypass which causes the banner to be hidden (e.g. Geolocation)

public string $customBypass


A set of accepted cookie groups + cookies or a predefined set like `all` or `essentials`.

public array<string|int, mixed>|string $decision


The reference to the consent ID of the source website (only for forwarded consents).

public int $forwarded = 0


Determine if forwarded consent came through a content blocker.

public bool $forwardedBlocker = false


The UUID reference of the source website.

public string $forwardedUuid


Google Consent Mode consent types.

public array<string|int, string> $gcmConsent


The IP address of the website visitor.

public string $ipAddress


Mark as DNT.

public bool $markAsDoNotTrack = false


Recorder JSON string for Replays.

public string $recorderJsonString


When `false`, the newly added transaction will not return any `SetCookie` instances. Use this, if you just want to save / persist a consent to the database but should not be updated on client side (e.g. delayed consents when server was not reachable).

public mixed $setCookies = true


Can be `initial` (the cookie banner pops up for first time with first and second layer or content blocker) or `change` (Change privacy settings). `null` indicates a UI was never visible.

public string $uiView


The user agent of the website visitor.

public string $userAgent


The country of the website visitor. This is automatically calculated when you pass in an IP address and you have enabled Geo Restriction (Country Bypass).

public string $userCountry


The viewport height.

public int $viewPortHeight = 0


The viewport width.

public int $viewPortWidth = 0




public __construct() : mixed

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